
Wednesday, November 18, 2009


OK, First let me say a big thanks to my buddy Jessica. You rock! This girl (because she is younger than I am) homeschools (which for sanity's sake I couldn't/wouldn't do) she bakes fabulous cakes. She designed Matt a Bakugan Ball birthday cake last week for his birthday. It was hands down one of the best cakes ever. Round and delicious. Add to that the fact that she also Blogs. I noticed a playlist on her Blog several months ago and since the stepheniemeyer (my favorite author at the moment) site also has one, I made one over the weekend. Also I was pretty tired of the standard colors and scheme of the old Blog, so she directed me in the path to jazz up this post. I like it whether anyone else sees it or not.

Now on to the Anticipation aspect. I have created a monster. In an effort to "bond" with the 9 yr. old, we rented Twilight to watch one Sunday afternoon while his dad was away playing golf. Now bear in mind that this was a week or so before school started. Needless to say I became addicted and also infected my oldest. Twihards we are. We are going to see Twilight at 9 on Thursday night and stay for New Moon at 12:01 AM. It is a school night and Matt has worked ahead on homework so that he can come home on Thursday and nap before we go off to the movies. He is really excited and is telling his friends and even his teacher that I am taking him to the first showing. It is really funny when we talk about it and Anthony rolls his eyes. We just look at each other, giggle and say he just doesn't get it. What is even worse is that the 20th is the first night for one of my two Tusculum classes. Since I don't want to be a Zombie, just a vampire, ha, ha, I am taking the day Friday to sleep. My mother thinks I am stupid. I probably am, but that is what personal days are for. I am stupid.

I started a new computer class at Tusculum last night. This one is basic computers and I am learning along with them. It is a LOT of information to cover in 6 sessions. The biggest issue is just getting in there and playing. I had fun though and I hope they will before we are finished.

Now back to the anticipation in another aspect. I can't wait until Black Friday. I have already scoped out the ads and I am probably going to Toys R Us at midnight when they open. They have a few things that would be nice, but it is also good that we are almost finished.

I couldn't resist putting another picture of the boys on here. For his birthday Matt wanted to go to Chuckee Cheese. He saved his last 5 tokens for Trystan. With the last one we got this sketch.

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